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Sabatini 2024: incentives for Italian SMEs.

Sabatini Law, promoted by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, represents a valuable facilitation measure aimed at Italian micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The main objective of this initiative is to streamline access to credit and provide tangible support to the national production system.

The interest rate subsidy is provided for investments in machinery, equipment, plants, productive assets, hardware, software, and digital technologies.

Who are the beneficiaries?

The following requirements form the basis for allowing Italian SMEs to access the growth opportunities offered by the Sabatini Law, ensuring, at the same time, regulatory compliance and financial stability for the beneficiary companies.

● Regular establishment and registration in the Business Register or in the Trade Business Register.

● Full exercise of their rights, avoiding situations of voluntary liquidation or bankruptcy proceedings aimed at liquidation.

● Demonstration of compliance with European regulations, avoiding the receipt or non-reimbursement of aids deemed illegal or incompatible by the European Commission.

● Stable financial condition and non-classification as companies in difficulty.

In summary, the Sabatini Law supports investments in new industrial and commercial equipment, other assets, software, and digital technologies. However, it is important to note that expenses related to lands and buildings, used or regenerated goods, ongoing immobilizations, and advances are not eligible.

How to apply for tax benefit

To access the financing provided by the ‘Nuova Sabatini,’ SMEs must submit an application on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development, in the ‘Beni Strumentali’ section (Nuova Sabatini), following the methods and deadlines set by the authorities.

The financing can be either bank loans or leasing, intended for productive use. They must be related to the business activities, located at the local unit, and require anti-mafia documentation. The eligible amount ranges from 20.000 to 4 million euros with a maximum duration of 5 years.

The news of 2024

Sabatini Green : launched in 2023 and confirmed for 2024, it provides a ministerial contribution of 3.575% for investments dedicated to environmental progress and sustainability.

Refinancing : thanks to the changes introduced by the Budget Law, the financing will be made available to requesting companies to enable the combination of payments.

Increase in incentives in Southern Italy : starting from 2024, new directives are planned to increase incentives in Southern Italy.


In summary, Nuova Sabatini presents a significant strategic opportunity for Italian SMEs. The facilitated access to incentives for software and hardware serves as tangible support for businesses aiming to enhance their technological infrastructure. Furthermore, in addition to streamlining access to credit, it actively commits to supporting crucial investments in the acquisition of instrumental assets and digital technologies.

In conclusion, Nuova Sabatini proves to be a valuable and strategic ally for businesses, aimed at promoting innovation, fostering growth, and ensuring success in the contemporary entrepreneurial landscape.